Transfer Tooling

With transfer tooling being a large part of our business at Automation Plastics, we have formulated a robust transfer tooling process that assures an efficient, safe, and successful transfer from the customer to the press.

A manufacturer may transfer their tools (molds) to another company for several reason, including:

  1. Capacity Utilization: If the molder has excess capacity, they may transfer their tools to another company to utilize their idle capacity and generate additional revenue.

  2. Access to new markets: Transferring tools to another company may provide the molder with access to new markets and customers.

  3. Specialized expertise: Transferring tools to a company that specializes in a specific process or material can improve the quality and efficiency of the molded parts.

  4. Cost savings: Transferring tools to a company that has lower labor and operating costs can result in cost savings for the molder.

  5. Upgrading equipment: Transferring tools to another company may allow the molder to upgrade their equipment and improve their manufacturing capabilities.

  6. Reduced Risk: Transferring tools to another company can reduce the financial risk associated with owning and maintaining the molds.

  7. Improved customer satisfaction: Transferring tools to a company that specializes in specific process or material can improve customer satisfaction by providing higher quality parts and faster delivery times.